Verification and Calibration Appendix B
Series N5700 User’s Guide 113
Refer to the “Equipment Required” section in this appendix for a list
of the equipment required for calibration. A general outline of the
procedure is as follows:
As shipped from the factory the calibration password is 0, which
means password protection is removed and the ability to enter
calibration mode is unrestricted. If a password has subsequently
been set, you must enter the correct password - otherwise an
error will occur. Once calibration has been entered, the password
can be changed by the user.
You do not have to do a complete calibration. If appropriate, you
may calibrate only the voltage or current functions and then save
the calibration constants. You can also save the date when the
calibration was preformed (see CAL:DATE <”date”>).
As each calibration sequence is completed, the instrument saves
the calibration constants and begins using them.
Exit the calibration mode. Note that a Reset command (*RST)
also sets the calibration state to OFF.
Calibration Procedure
Unless instructed otherwise, connect the +sense terminal to the
+output, and the -sense terminal to the -output.
When calibrating the unit using SCPI commands, most calibration
steps involve sending an *OPC? query to synchronize with the power
supply’s command completion before proceeding. The response from
the instrument must be read each time *OPC? is given.
The CAL:LEV and CAL:DATA commands may take several seconds to complete.
If a timeout occurs in your VISA application, you may need to change the
VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE in the ViSetAttribute function.
Voltage Programming and Measurement Calibration
Step 1. Connect the Agilent 3458A voltage input to the output.
Step 2. Enable voltage calibration mode.
Step 3. Set the current limit high enough to allow unrestricted voltage
ISET 0.5
Step 4. Select voltage calibration.