Series N5700 User’s Guide 81
Programming Examples
Output Programming Example........................................................................82
Trigger Programming Example........................................................................84
This chapter contains several example programs to help you develop
programs for your own application. The example programs are for
illustration only, and are provided with the assumption that you are
familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the
tools used to create and debug procedures. See Chapter 5, “Language
Dictionary” for the SCPI command syntax.
You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
the example programs (and/or any modified version) in any way you
find useful, provided you agree that Agilent Technologies has no
warranty, obligations, or liability for any example programs.
The example programs are written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 using
the VISA COM IO library. The VISA COM library must be downloaded
from the Automation-Ready CD-ROM to use these programs. For
information about using VISA COM in another Visual Basic project,
refer to “Programming Your Instruments” in the USB/LAN/GPIB
Interfaces Connectivity Guide, also included on the Automation-
Ready CD-ROM.
Example programs for the following programming environments are also
included on the Product-Reference CD-ROM located at the back of this guide:
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Microsoft Excel
The CD also contains IVI-COM and LabVIEW drivers for your power supply.