Compatibility Appendix D
Series N5700 User’s Guide 125
Compatibility Command Summary
The following table documents the compatibility commands that the
Agilent N5700 power supplies support. All compatibility commands
are accepted; however, some commands do nothing.
Compatibility Command Description Similar SCPI
ASTS? Queries the accumulated status (ASTS). The response represents the sum
of the binary weights of the ASTS register bits. The ASTS register is set to
the present status after being queried.
CLR Returns the power supply to the power-on state. Same as *RST.
DLY <delay> Generates error 203.
DLY? Generates error 203.
ERR? Queries the present programming or hardware error. An error code number
is returned over the GPIB to identify the error. The error register is cleared
after being read.
FAULT? Queries the fault register. A bit is set in the fault register when the
corresponding bit in both the status and the mask registers. The response
is an integer 0 to 255. The fault register is cleared after being read.
FOLD Turns the OCP on or off. This is only allowed for constant current mode
(FOLD 2). Constant voltage mode (FOLD1) generates error 203.
FOLD? Queries the OCP setting. The response is FOLD 2.
HOLD When turned on (HOLD 1), causes the VSET, ISET, FOLD, and UNMASK
values to be held until a trigger occurs. This only applies to the
compatibility functions, not the SCPI functions
HOLD? Queries the hold setting. The response is HOLD 1.
ID? Queries the identification (model number) of the power supply.
IMAX Sets a soft programming limit for current. Attempting to program the
current above this setting will generate an error.
IMAX? Queries the IMAX setting. The response is a real number.
IOUT? Queries the measured output current. The response is a real number.
ISET <current> Sets the output current.
ISET? Queries the present current setting. The response is a real number.
OUT <on|off> Turns the output on or off. On/off equals 1 turns the output on; equals 0
turns the output off.
OUT? Queries whether the output is turned on or off . The response is OUT 1 (on)
or OUT O (off). The front panel displays OFF when the output is off.