See Figure34.
Note: Beforeinstalling thecontrolcut device,the yoke
assemblywilltravelbackand forwardon the
carriage bypullingthe handle.After installing
thecontrolcutdevice, thepowercordfor the
controlcutdevice mustbe pluggedinand
switchtriggerpressedtomove theyoke
assemblyand carriage on thearm.
WARNING: Do not install the control cut device
until after all of the initial adjustments and
alignments are made to prevent accidental
starting of the saw that could result in serious
personal injury.
The control cutdevice offersmany benefits.As it
Increases operatorcontrol,It eliminatesthe riskin a
crosscutofthe saw "climbing"out and over the
workplaceat the operator. Feed control of the blade
as itcutsthroughtheworkpiece increases,as does
theaccuracyof the cut.
The control cutcable maintainsa steady pullon the
carriage assemblyfrom the column.Thistension
keepstheassemblyat the column,unlessyou
squeeze the switchtrigger in the hendte.The switch
triggeractivatesthe motortocounterthe pullof the
Aftera cutiscompleted, pressthe switchon the arm
off, then release theswitchtriggerto preventfurther
forwardmotion.Hold the handleuntiltheblade has
stoppedrotating.The yokeassemblywillnotroll
forward unlessyou are squeezingthe switchtrigger.
The control cut powercord isdesignedto operateon
a singlevoltageAC circuit.The speed can beset with
a thumbwheelon top ofthe handle.The three speed
settingsare describedon the labellocatedon the left
side of the control cuthousing.
_k WARNING: Do not usethe saw withoutthe
controlcutand bladeguardsin place unless
specifically Instructed to do so. Otherwise
uncontrolled contact with the blade could occur,
resulting in personal injury.
_1= WARNING: Take great care when working with
either cord to ensure you have the correct one. If
you Intend to unplug the main power cord but
remove the control cut cord Instead, the
blade could be accidentally started and cause
• Pluginthe controlcutcord,leavingthe mainpower
cord disconnected.Squeezethe switchtriggerto
confirm the control cutmotorisreceivingpower.
• On the left side of the saw, remove the carriage
lock knob and spdng. Remove the two screws that
attach the carriage cover and remove the cover.
• Replace the spring and cardage lockknob. Pull the
carriage assembly about halfway to the front.
Tighten the carriage lock knob.
• Squeeze the switch trigger inthe handle with your
right hand and pull the spring loaded cable from the
column with your left hand. If you prefer to use a
pair of pliers, do not damage the cable. Note: Do
not to let the spring loaded cable clamp slip out of
your hand or pliers. If it slips past the cable bracket
and goes up Into the control cut motor housthg,
then disassembly of the control cut assembly will be
required to get it back out.
• Place the barrel fitting into the socket at the back of
the carriage assembly.
• Remove the carriage lock knob and spring. Replace
the carriage cover and screws, then replace the
spring and carriage lock knob.
• Set the speed thumbwhee], using the chart on page
53. If you are unsure of the proper speed setting,
use the lowest setting.
[ItlIFTSNAItRADIAL SAW315.?.20381 42