Craftsman 315.220381 Saw User Manual

See Figure 42.
Use this procedureto make a cut with the blade
vertical and straightforward. If a kerrdoes notexistfor
the line ofthe cut(cutting path), followthe stepsto
make one. Each cuttingpath requiresits own kerr.
_k WARNING: Make sure the blade guard is
lowered and isworkingproperly toprevent
possibleinjury.Always raise the clearplastic
guard before changingthe bevel or loweringthe
blade toavoid damage to the guard.
_k WARNING: Keep one hand on the handle until
the blade stops rotating to prevent the risk of
Put the fence in the front position(next tothe front
table) and tightenthe table clamps.
Check thatthe controlcut device isset for the
correctspeed for thetype ofwood and cutyou are
planning. Refer tothe chart on the labeland adjust
the thumbwheel on the handle accordingly.
Ifthe yoke isnot inthe crosscut positionwiththe
blade parallel tothe arm, release the yoke lock
handle (rightside, under yoke). Positionthe yoke
correctlywith the yoke pivotlatch.
Ifthe arm is too low or too high,firstlift the blade
guard ifthe arm is too low,and turnthe elevating
handwheelat the frontofthe table. Set the blade to
just clear the kerror table.
If the arm isangled, release the arm lockknobon
top ofthe arm, positionitstraightahead and lock
the arm lock knob.
Ifthe blade isangled, raise the plasticlowerguard,
release the bevel lock lever,and set the bevel
indicatortozero. RaUghtenthe bevel lock lever.
Ifthe blade isin front ofthe fence, loosenthe
carriage lock knobon the leftside ofthe arm.
Release the switchtriggerand letthe carriage
returnto the back.
Ifthere isno kerf, cutone approximately1/16 in.
deep. Grasp the handle and turnthe saw on with
the switchon the arm. Squeeze the switchtrigger
onthe handleand pullthe blade forwardacrossthe
table to make the kerf.
Release the switchtriggerand letthe carriage
returntothe back.Turn the saw offwith theswitch
on the arm but holdthe handle untilthe bladestops
rotating.Adjustthe height withthe elevating
handwheelso the bladewill rotatefreely in the kerr.
Positionthe workpieceagainstthe fence. Place the
pawlsand rivingknifeto clearthe workpieceorthe
fence, whicheverishigher, by at least 1/4 inch.
Grasp the handlewith one hand. With the other,
turnthe saw on, then holdthe workpiecedownand
againstthe fence. Keep your handwell away from
the blade.
Squeeze the switchtriggeron the handle and pull
the blade throughthe workplace but onlyfar
enoughto completethe cut. Keep yourhandon the
handle,even after the cuthas been made and the
saw turnedoff, untilthe bladestops rotating.
Aftercompletingthe cut, movethe workpiecetothe
side and turnoffthe saw with the switchon the
arm. Release the switchtriggeron the handle and
letthe yoke move back behind the fence. Do not
releasethe handle untiltheblade stops rotating.
Fig. 42
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