See Figure 44.
This procedure makes a cut with the blade and motor
angled and the arm straight (90" tofence). Ifthere is
no ked, follow the steps to make one. Try thiscut on
scrap wood beforecutting yourworkpiece.
_k WARNING: Make sure the blade guard is
lowered and is workingproperlyto prevent
possible injury.Always raise the clear plastic
guard before changingthe bevel or loweringthe
blade to avoiddamage to the guard.
_l, WARNING: Keep one handon the handleuntil
the blade stops rotatingtoprevent the risk of
• Putthe fence in the front position(nexttothe front
table) and tightenthe table clamps.
• Check thatthe controlcut device isset for the
correct speed forthe type of woodand cutyou are
planning. Refer to the chart on the labeland adjust
the thumbwheelon the handle accordingly.
• Ifthe yoke is not in the crosscut position withthe
blade paralleltothe arm, release the yoke lock
handle and position the yoke correctlywiththe yoke
pivot latch onthe rightside of the arm.
• Ifthe arm is too low or too high,first liftthe blade
guard ifthe arm istoo low, and turnthe elevating
handwheel at the frontof the table..Setthe bladeto
just clear the kerror table.
• Ifthe arm is angled, release the arm lock knobon
top ofthe arm, position itstraightahead and lock
the arm lock knob.
• Ifthe blade is in frontof the fence, loosenthe
carriage lockknob on the leftside of the arm.
Release the switchtriggeron the handle and letthe
carriage returntothe beck.
• To set the bladeangle, first raise the plasticlower
guard. Release the bevel locklever, and position
the blade with the bevel indexlever. Retightenthe
bevel lock lever.
Note: For a 45" or 90" angle, the bevel indexlever will
seat automaticallyat the presetpositive stop
positions.Forany other angle, use the bevel
lock lever.
• Ifthere isno kerf, cutone approximately 1/16 in.
deep. Grasp the handle and turnthe sew on with
the switchon the arm. Squeeze the switchtrigger
on the handle and pull the blade forward acrossthe
table to make the kerr.
• Release the switchtriggerand letthe carriage
returnto the back. Turn the saw offwith the switch
on the arm but holdthe handle untilthe bladestops
rotating.Adjust the heightwith the elevating
handwheel sothe blade willrotatefreely inthe ked.
• Positionthe workpieceagainstthe fence. Placethe
pawls and rivingknifeto clear the workpieceorthe
fence, whichever is higher,by at least 1/4 inch.
• Grasp the handlewith one hand. Withthe other
hand, turnthe saw on, then holdtheworkpiece
downand againstthe fence. Keep yourhandwell
away from the blade.
• Squeeze the switchtriggeron the handleand pull
the blade throughthe workpiece butonly far
enoughto completethe cut. Keep your handon the
handle, even after the cuthas been made and the
saw turnedoff, untilthe blade stopsrotating.
• Aftercompletingthe cut,movethe workpiecetothe
side and turnoffthe saw with the switchon the
arm. Release the switchtriggeron the handleand
letthe blade move beck behind the fence. Do not
release the handle untilthe blade stopsrotating.