Appendix2 Comparison with FR-A840
Item FR-A840 FR-A842
Power failure time
(Pr.261 to Pr.266, Pr.294,
With the parameter Without the parameter
Pr.30 Regenerative
function selection
Setting ranges "0 to 2, 10, 11, 20, 21, 100, 101, 110,
111, 120, 121"
Initial value "0"
Setting ranges "2, 10, 11, 102, 110, 111"
Initial value "10"
Pr.70 Special
regenerative brake duty
With the parameter Without the parameter
Monitor function
(Pr.52, Pr.54, Pr.158,
Pr.774 to Pr.776, Pr.992,
Pr.1027 to Pr.1034)
Regenerative brake duty
With (Acceptable)
Regenerative brake duty
Without (Unacceptable)
Input terminal function
(Pr.178 to Pr.189)
DC feeding operation permission (X70), DC feeding
cancel (X71)
With (Acceptable)
DC feeding operation permission (X70), DC feeding
cancel (X71)
Without (Unacceptable)
Pr.187 MRS terminal
function selection
Initial value "24" (MRS) Initial value "10" (X10)
Output terminal function
assignment selection
(Pr.190 to Pr.196, Pr.313
to Pr.322)
Instantaneous power failure/undervoltage (IPF),
During deceleration at occurrence of power failure
(retained until release) (Y46), Regenerative brake
pre-alarm (RBP), DC current feeding (Y85), Main
circuit capacitor life (Y87), Inrush current limit circuit
life (Y89)
With (Acceptable)
Instantaneous power failure/undervoltage (IPF),
During deceleration at occurrence of power failure
(retained until release) (Y46), Regenerative brake
pre-alarm (RBP), DC current feeding (Y85), Main
circuit capacitor life (Y87), Inrush current limit circuit
life (Y89)
Without (Unacceptable)
Pr.192 IPF terminal
function selection
Initial value "2" (IPF) Initial value "9999" (No function)
Inrush current limit
circuit life display, Main
circuit capacitor life
(Pr.256, Pr.258, Pr.259)
With the parameter Without the parameter
Pr.599 X10 terminal input
Initial value "0" (NO contact specification) Initial value "1"(NC contact specification)
Pr.872 Input phase loss
protection selection
With the parameter Without the parameter
Warning, protective
Regenerative brake pre-alarm (RB), Instantaneous
power failure (E.IPF), Undervoltage (E.UVT), Input
phase loss (E.ILF), Brake transistor alarm detection
(E.BE), Inrush current limit circuit fault (E.IOH)
Regenerative brake pre-alarm (RB), Instantaneous
power failure (E.IPF), Undervoltage (E.UVT), Input
phase loss (E.ILF), Brake transistor alarm detection
(E.BE), Inrush current limit circuit fault (E.IOH)
Not available