
WinCHAP User’s Manual Audiometric Test Screen 53
right-mouse button down for longer tone presentations. While the signal
is being presented, the stimulus circle in the middle of the Audiometric
Curves window will turn green.
6. Administer the test in this fashion and click
Save to save the results.
Figure 5.2.4—Audiometer Control Panel
5.2.5 Manually entering audiograms
1. Choose the curve by selecting it in the list below the graph. A checkmark
will appear next to it when it is selected.
2. Use the mouse to enter the values on the graph by pointing and clicking
at points you want marked. Alternately, go to the Curve Data Values win
dow and input the numerical audiometric values.
3. Click
Save to store results.
5.2.6 Copying ears, Deleting data, and Changing the display
There are a few miscellaneous functions you can perform in the Audiometric
Curves window.
• Use the Copy L
R button to copy all audiometric data from the left ear to
the right ear.
• Use the Copy R
L button to copy all audiometric data from the right ear
to the left ear.