WinCHAP User’s Manual The DSL/NAL-NL1 Module 83
• Show Aud. Predicted In DSL or NAL-NL1: This selection specifies which
type of predicted transform is displayed in the tables of the Audiometry win
dow. This will have no affect on any actual measurements or target values in
the measurement windows.
• Audiometric Symbols: Type of audiometric symbol displayed on the graphs.
Choose between USA and UK.
• Refresh on click/Refresh only when requested: This will select whether the
DSL window is refreshed every time you click your mouse and make a selec
tion, or whether it will be refreshed only when you click the Refresh button.
For better speed performance, choose Refresh only when requested. For more
window updates, choose Refresh on click
TABLE 6.6.1
List of allowable setting combinations
Transducer HL to SPL RECD Aid Style
ER3 Insert Earphone Predicted Predicted Any
RECD Measured
TDH headphones Predicted Predicted Any
REDD Measured
Loudspeaker 0, 45, 90 Predicted Predicted Any
REUR Measured
Insert Custom Mold RECD Measured BTE
SPL Transform Predicted Measured Any
6.6.2 Understanding NAL-NL1 Settings
• Reference Position: Select Head Surface when sound field leveling is per-
formed with the reference microphone placed on an earhook on the patient’s
ear. Select Undisturbed Field when leveling is performed without the patient
in the sound field. Head Surface leveling is preferred for all FONIX real-ear
• Limiting: Select the aid’s type of output limiting. Choose between Wideband
and Multi Channel. No SSPL90 targets will be created when this selection is
set to Off.
• Fitting Type: Select between Unilateral and Bilateral. If Bilateral is selected,
make sure to input audiometric data from the left and the right ear. This will
affect the measurement targets.