64 The DSL/NAL-NL1 Module WinCHAP User’s Manual
6.1.8 Changing the curve colors
You can change the curve colors in the Audiometry, DSL, and NAL windows.
To set the curve colors:
1. Open the View menu, point at Color Palette, and select NAL, DSL, or
2. Select the curve you want to change. This will open the Color window.
3. Select the color you want to use by either choosing from the preset basic
colors, or by defining your own custom color by clicking on the color
map to select the custom color and then clicking Add to Custom Colors
4. Click
OK to complete the selection and close the Colors window.
5. Click Apply Changes to apply the changes only to the current test. Click
Save Settings to apply the changes as the new default colors.
6. Click
Back to close the Curve Colors window.
To reset the colors to their factory default setting, open the Curve Colors win
dow and click Reset Colors
6.1.9 Other functions
• Use the Check button to check the connection between your computer and
your FONIX analyzer and/or audiometer.
• Use the Refresh button to refresh the graphics on your window and update
any changes you may have made.
• Use the Copy Ear button to copy audiometric data from the current ear to the
other ear. Verification data will not be copied.
6.2 Audiometry
The first step in a hearing aid fitting is to obtain the patient’s audiometric infor-
mation. These can include hearing threshold levels (HTL), bone conduction
values, uncomfortable levels (UCL), and audiometric transforms. All of these
measurements can be stored in the Audiometry window. Some values, such as
the UCL and transform values, can be predicted from the patients HTLs and age.
See Figure 6.2.