3.11 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property
- Virtual IP Gateway—
GW Settings
The settings related to destination gateway devices can be programmed. The following parameters can be
specified for a maximum of 512 destination gateway devices.
GW Name
Specifies the name of the destination gateway device for programming reference.
Value Range
Max. 20 characters
Maintenance Console Location
3.11 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—GW Settings
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
GW IP Address
Specifies the IP address of the destination gateway device.
Value Range–
Maintenance Console Location
3.11 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—GW Settings
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
GW Group
Specifies the number of the gateway group to which the gateway entry belongs. A maximum of 256 gateway
groups can be created.
PC Programming Manual 163
3.11 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—GW Settings