• File
Contains the icon for saving files. For details, see Section 2.3.2 File—Save.
• Tools
Contains icons for backing up PBX data to the SD Memory Card, viewing extension information, and
accessing Online Help. For details, see Sections 2.5.1 Tool—SD memory backup and 2.5.8 Tool
—Extension List View.
These menus
can be positioned freely. Click and drag the title bar of a menu to move it to another position.
It will automatically snap in to position above, below, to the left, or to the right of the main window if released
there. Otherwise, it will float separately from the main window.
Whether the tool bar is displayed or not can be chosen by selecting Toolbar from the View menu.
3. Tab Bar
The name of each screen currently open is displayed in a tab in this tab bar. When multiple screens are
open at the same time, click on the tab of a screen to display the options associated with that screen.
4. System Menu
Provides access to the settings used for programming the PBX, grouped into 11 topics.
For details, see Sections Section 3 [1] Configuration to Section 13 [11] Maintenance.
To display the individual screens within a topic, click the topic heading. It will expand to show the sub-topics.
• If a sub-topic contains more than one screen, clicking the name of the sub-topic will display the names
of individual screens. Clicking an expanded sub-topic will hide the names of individual screens.
Double-click on a screen name to open that screen in 6. Main Screen below.
This menu can be positioned freely. Click and drag the title bar of the menu to move it to another position.
It will automatically snap in to either the left side or right side of the main window if released there.
Otherwise, it will float separately from the main window.
Whether the system menu is displayed or not can be chosen by selecting System Menu from the View
5. Status Bar
The status bar displays information on the current state of the Maintenance Console.
Whether the status bar is displayed or not can be chosen by selecting Statusbar from the View menu.
The information displayed is as follows, in order from left to right:
Area Values Description
Programme Mode
and Connection
Programme Mode:
Batch Mode xxx
Interactive Mode yyy
Connection Type:
ISDN Remote
Displays the current programme mode and
connection type. See 2.1.1 Starting
Maintenance Console and Software Modes
"xxx" is replaced by the name of the current
system data file.
replaced by the name of the profile if used.
PBX Type Type: NCP500/
Displays the type of PBX being programmed.
Access Level Level :
Displays the current access level, determined by
the Programmer Code entered when starting
Maintenance Console. See 2.1.2 Access
Levels for more information.
32 PC Programming Manual
2.1.3 Software Interface