7.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM
Settings related to Built-in Simplified Voice Message feature can be specified. This feature can be accessed
via the IPCMPR card or ESVM card.
SVM Card No.1, 2—Slot Number
Indicates the slot position (reference only).
Value Range
Slot number
Maintenance Console Location
7.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM
Programming Manual References
3.1 [1-1] Slot
Feature Guide References
1.17.7 Built-in Simplified Voice Message (SVM)
SVM Card No.1, 2—Floating Extension Number
Specifies the floating extension number used to access the SVM feature.
Value Range
Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)
Maintenance Console Location
7.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
1.17.7 Built-in Simplified Voice Message (SVM)
SVM Card No.1, 2—Card Name
Specifies the name of the card, for programming reference.
Value Range
Max. 20 characters
PC Programming Manual 757
7.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM