2.5.8 Tool—Extension List View
Displays a
list of all programmed extension numbers and types. It is possible to sort the information according
to Extension Number, Type, Extension Name, Shelf, Slot, or Port. There is also a key-word searching feature.
The types that can be displayed are as follows:
Type Detail
Intercom Wired Extension
VM Voice Mail
Portable Station Wireless Extension (Portable Station)
ICDG Incoming Call Distribution Group
WG PS Ring Group
VM (DPT) VM (DPT) Group
Pager External Pager
MODEM Analogue Modem
ISDN Remote ISDN Modem
DSS DSS Console
DPT-I/F CS PT-interface CS
SVM SVM Feature
SIP/IP-PT IP Telephone
To view extension information
• From the Tool menu, select Extension List View.
PC Programming Manual 57
2.5.8 Tool—Extension List View