5.11 [3-4] Paging Group—All Setting
Extensions can be assigned to a paging group according to their extension user groups. One extension user
group or external pager can belong to multiple paging groups.
Paging Group Name
Specifies the name of the paging group.
Value Range
Max. 20 characters
Maintenance Console Location
5.11 [3-4] Paging Group—All Setting
Programming Manual References
6.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
6.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Feature Guide References
1.15.1 Paging
2.2.2 Group
User Group 1–32
Specifies whether the extension user group belongs to the corresponding paging group.
Value Range
ON (blue), OFF (white)
Maintenance Console Location
5.11 [3-4] Paging Group—All Setting
Programming Manual References
6.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
6.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Feature Guide References
1.15.1 Paging
2.2.2 Group
542 PC Programming Manual
5.11 [3-4] Paging Group—All Setting