DTMF Tone—DTMF Transmit
Specifies the volume of the DTMF tone to be transmitted.
Value Range
3-n (n=0–15) dB
Maintenance Console Location
3.35 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - T1 type
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
DTMF Tone—DTMF Receive
Specifies the volume of the DTMF tone to be received.
Value Range
n-42–0 (n=0–
31) dB
Maintenance Console Location
3.35 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - T1 type
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
Pulse Dial—Pulse % Break
Specifies the
% break for pulse digits. This is the ratio between the break (on-hook) signal and make (off-hook)
signal in a pulse dial.
Value Range
60 %, 67 %
Maintenance Console Location
3.35 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - T1 type
316 PC Programming Manual
3.35 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - T1 type