3.27 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - LCO type
The properties of the analogue trunk cards can be specified.
Outgoing Guard Time
Specifies the length of time after a trunk is disconnected, during which the PBX cannot seize the line.
Value Range
3–6 s
Maintenance Console Location
3.27 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - LCO type
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
First Dial Timer (CO)
Specifies the minimum time that the PBX waits after seizing a trunk, before sending the dialled digits to the
telephone company. This allows the telephone company to have enough time to accept the dialled digits
Value Range
0.5 ´ n (n=1–16) s
Maintenance Console Location
3.27 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - LCO type
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
CO Feed Back Tone
Specifies whether the pulse feedback tone is turned on or not. For outgoing trunk calls, audible tones can be
heard as the dialled number is sent out, which informs the extension user that the number has been dialled.
Value Range
No, Yes
232 PC Programming Manual
3.27 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - LCO type