Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
1.32.1 Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
3rd Party CTI—CDR retry counter
Specifies the
number of times that the alive check of CDR is repeated for Third Party Call Control CTI. When
the alive check has been attempted the programmed number times, the association is released automatically.
Value Range
Maintenance Console Location
4.18 [2-9] System Options
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
1.32.1 Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
CTI Multi PBX Control—PBX Name
Specifies the name of the PBX, for network programming reference.
Value Range
Max. 20 characters
Maintenance Console Location
4.18 [2-9] System Options
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
CTI Multi PBX Control—USB Serial Number
Specifies the serial number assigned to this PBX’s USB data transfers, used when multiple PBXs are
connected via USB to one PC (for example, for CTI).
510 PC Programming Manual
4.18 [2-9] System Options