4.20 [2-11-1] Audio Gain—Paging/MOH
Gain levels for the External Pager/External BGM ports can be programmed.
Paging—EPG (External Pager)
Specifies the paging volume for the External Pager.
Value Range
-15–15 dB
Maintenance Console Location
4.20 [2-11-1] Audio Gain—Paging/MOH
Programming Manual References
5.10 [3-4] Paging Group
Feature Guide References
1.15.1 Paging
Paging—Paging Level from PT Speaker
Specifies the volume when paging is broadcast through the speaker of a PT.
Value Range
-15dB, -12dB, -9dB, -6dB, -3dB, 0dB, 3dB, 6dB
Maintenance Console Location
4.20 [2-11-1] Audio Gain—Paging/MOH
Programming Manual References
5.10 [3-4] Paging Group
Feature Guide References
1.15.1 Paging
MOH—MOH (Music On Hold)
Specifies the music volume for the External BGM.
Value Range
-11–11 dB
516 PC Programming Manual
4.20 [2-11-1] Audio Gain—Paging/MOH