144 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
cursor on a file name causes it to be loaded into the file name field.
Key Path:
File Load Now
Loads the currently selected file. Displayed settings include name, type, destination, and
path. While the file is being loaded a popup message is displayed “Loading file.” After a
successful load, the text message “xxxxxx file loaded” (where xxxxxx is the file name)
appears in the status line. When traces are loaded they always load in
View mode.
Traces save in TRC format can be loaded individually or as a group. When a trace is
loaded, the state that existed when that trace was saved is loaded along with the trace.
Also, the loaded trace(s) is/are placed in view mode.
NOTE To compare two saved traces from different saves, place traces in view mode
before saving them. This prevents the trace from being rewritten based on a
state change from subsequent loads.
Key Path:
File, Load
Remote Command:
:MMEMory:LOAD:STATe 1,<‘file_name’> loads the specified state file into the current
active state of the instrument.
*RCL <register#> loads the state from the specified internal register into the current
active state of the instrument. The available register numbers are 0 to 127.
:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe <label>,<‘file_name’>
:MMEMory:LOAD:CORRection ANTenna|CABLe|OTHer|USER,<‘file_name’>
:MMEMory:LOAD:LIMit LLINE1|LLINE2,<‘file_name’>
Remote Command Notes: For the MMEM:LOAD:TRAC <‘file_name’> command,
<‘file_name’> must include the following:
• Complete path
• A file extension of TRC
• Use all uppercase letters.
• Trace labels are: TRACE1|TRACE2|TRACE3
For the MMEM:LOAD:STAT 1 command:
• If the firmware revision of the state being loaded is newer than the
firmware revision of the instrument, no state is recalled and an error is
• Ifthefirmwarerevisionofthestatebeingloadedisthesameasthe
firmware revision of the instrument, all settings of the state will be