468 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Spectrum Emissions Mask—SEM)
One-Button Measurement Functions Meas BW
Enables you to specify the bandwidth to use when measuring the offset. When using the
front panel, only the currently selected offset is affected. All the offsets are affected when
using the remote command. This is the multiplier applied to the resolution bandwidth to
determine the bandwidth to integrate when calculating the power.
Key Path:
Meas Setup, Offset/Limits
Key Notes: When setting Meas BW > 1, dynamic range is increased, however
measurement time is also increased since an increased number of sweep
points are required to make the measurement. For Meas BW > 1, consider
this equation for trace points:
Trace points = (Offset Stop Freq - Offset Start Freq)/ (Meas BW/100)
When Meas BW = 1, the number of trace points are set at the value
specified upon entering the measurement.
Couplings: This parameter must adhere to the rule: (N x Res BW) ≤ (Stop Freq of the
offset - Start freq of the offset), where N is Meas BW value. If the Res BW
is changed, Meas BW will change to ensure this rule.
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: 1
Default Terminator: x Res BW
Knob Increment: 1
Step Key
Increment: 1
Range: 1 to 1000
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:SEMask:OFFSet[n]:LIST:BANDwidth|BWIDth:IMULti <integer>
Remote Command Notes: Comma separated list of up to 5 values. n = 1 for BTS and n = 2
for MS. Default is BTS (1).