HP (Hewlett-Packard) 53A Welder User Manual

isolating, 33
measurement accuracy, 33
Discrete Command Parameters, 55
DISPlay Subsystem, 58 - 59, 77
DISPlay:MONitor:CARD, 58
DISPlay:MONitor[:STATe], 59, 90
Documentation history, 6
Downloading Scan List, 39 - 41, 65
codes, register-based, 98
messages, 72, 99 - 100
numbers, 72, 99 - 100
queue, 72
*ESE, 76
*ESE?, 76
*ESR?, 76
Event In Port, 15, 45, 74
scanning with, 49
trigger input, 75
connecting channels to tree terminals, 35
making 2-wire ohms measurements by scanning, 38
making 4-wire ohms measurements by scanning, 38
making multiple scans, 39
making voltage measurements by scanning, 36 - 37
scan complete monitor, 52
scanning using "Trig Out" and "Event In" ports, 49
scanning using digital bus triggering, 50 - 51
scanning using scanning voltmeter, 51
scanning using stand-alone multimeter, 50
scanning with external instruments, 48
Executing Commands, 90
instruments, scanning with, 45, 48 - 50, 66
trigger inputs, 74
trigger port, 48 - 50
triggering, 15
Field Wiring, 24
common commands, 53
SCPI commands, 53
Four-wire Ohms Measurements, 35, 38, 67
Front Panel, 22
Getting Started, 11 - 16
Handshake Lines
multimeter, 36
operation, 12
scan rate, 36
scanning, 93
switching, 11 - 12
temperature measurements, 44
HP 3457A Digital Multimeter, 48 - 50, 66
HP E1326B Multimeter, 51
group execute trigger (GET), 74
interface select code, 14
serial poll, 52
service request (SRQ), 52
ID Register, 84, 86
*IDN?, 76
IEEE 488.2 Commands
See Common (*) Commands
Implied Commands, 54
Initial Operation, 16
INITiate Subsystem, 60 - 61, 77
INITiate:CONTinuous, 39, 60, 90
INITiate:CONTinuous?, 61
INITiate[:IMMediate], 61, 91
Interrupt Line, 20
IRQ Switch, 20
Keywords, rules for use, 54
Linking Commands, 55
Logical Address, 14, 18 - 19
changing, 19
factory setting, 19
multiple-module switchbox, 18
scanning voltmeter, 18 - 19
single-module switchbox, 18
switch, setting, 19
Low-pass Filter Configuration, 23
HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer User’s Manual Index 103