Example: Making
2-Wire Ohms
Measurements by
Use the same setup shown in the first program example in this section,
except the current source from the multimeter must be connected to the B
tree terminal. Change the commands in lines 10 and 40 to the following:
10 OUTPUT 722;"TRIG EXT;OHM" !Set multimeter to 2-wire ohms
40 OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN:MODE RES"!Closes the appropriate tree
isolation switches
This command, when used with SCAN:PORT ABUS and SCAN <channel_list>
commands, automatically closes the channels defined in the channel list, along
with the appropriate tree isolation switches. The current source is
superimposed on the channel being measured.
Example: Making
4-Wire Ohms
Measurements by
This type of measurement requires a paired channel closure (for example,
channels 02 and 10). Use the
SCAN:MODE FRES command to
automatically close the paired channels to the selected channels defined in
SCAN <channel_list> command. Connect High and Low to a Bank 0
channel and High and Low to the paired channel eight numbers away. Use
only one of the channels of the channel pairs in the channel_list. Change
the commands in lines 10, 40 and 60 to the following:
10 OUTPUT 722;"TRIG EXT;OHM" !Set multimeter to 4-wire ohms
40 OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN:MODE FRES"!Closes the appropriate tree
isolation switches
60 OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN (@100:107,200:207)"
Figure 3-5. Mainframe to Multimeter Connection for Synchronization
38 Using the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules Chapter 3