Programming Language
The examples in this manual use the Standard Commands for
Programmable Instruments (SCPI) commands, Hewlett-Packard BASIC and
an HP 9000 Series 200/300 computer over the HP-IB. Chapter 5 contains
information on SCPI command format. Appendix B contains details on the
registers for register-based programming.
Initial Operation
Use the following program to verify initial multiplexer operation by closing
a channel and querying channel closure. The computer interfaces to the
mainframe with the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB). The HP-IB
interface select code is 7, and the mainframe address is 09. The multiplexer
has an instrument address of 24, so its secondary address is 03.
This example first resets the switchbox and then closes channel 02 of a
single multiplexer module (card number 1) in the switchbox. The program
next queries the channel closure state. A returned "1" shows that the
channel is closed, a returned "0" designates an open channel.
10 OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" !Opens all channels
20 OUTPUT 70903;"CLOS (@102)" !Close channel 02 on card 1
30 OUTPUT 70903;"CLOS? (@102)" !Query channel 02 state
40 ENTER 70903;Value !Enter results into variable called
50 PRlNT Value !Display result
60 END
Figure 1-2. Custom Cable for Digital Bus Triggering
16 Getting Started with the HP E1351A/53A Chapter 1