Interface and Display
24 AWG5000 Series Quick Start User Manual
Sequence Window
When Sequence is selected in the Run Mode, this window shows information on the status of the sequence settings. For
Run Mode, see page 29.
Quick Tips
■ If you click on a cell in the Sequence window, the selected waveform is displayed in the Waveform window. The
background color of the selected cell changes.
■ The following methods are available for applying an existing waveform to a sequence:
■ Drag a waveform from the Waveform List window to a cell of the Sequence window
■ After selecting a cell in the Sequence window, use Set Waveform... or Insert Waveform... from the Edit menu
■ When Continuous, Triggered, or Gated is selected in the Run mode, the Sequence window is hidden.
■ The following icons are used in the Sequence window:
1. This is an example of the Sequence
window display. The display format is
If you hover the mouse over a sequence
cell, a tooltip appears to show you the
waveform name and waveform length.
2. This is an example of the Table format.
Display Icons Description
Wait Trigger
Repeat. (Repeat count is set to 26 in this example.)
Repeat (Infinite)
Event Jump. (Jump target is set to index number 26 in this example.)
Go To (Go To target is set to index number 26 in this example.)