Interface and Display
30 AWG5000 Series Quick Start User Manual
Trigger Page
Quick Tips
■ Trigger parameters control the signal outputs of the instrument. Trigger parameters cannot be set if Continuous is
selected in the Run Mode.
■ You can also control the trigger by pushing the front-panel Force Trigger button in addition to a selected signal as the
trigger source.
1. You can select Trigger Source (Internal
or External). The default is External.
2. If External is selected, Trigger Level,
Trigger Slope, and Trigger Impedance
can be set.
■ Level – Sets external trigger level.
■ Slope – Determines whether the
instrument finds trigger point on
the rising edge or the falling edge
of the signal.
■ Impedance – Specifies external
trigger impedance (1 kΩ or 50 Ω).
3. If Internal is selected, internal trigger
Interval can be set.