Bosch Power Tools GCM12SD Saw User Manual

l ;@=20A F<B? D<?8=6202 /23<?2 0BAA6;4 3
A52 <BA@612 /<D21 3.02 A<D.?1 A52 32;02
5296;2<3A520BA Bent or warped workpieces
can twist or rock and may cause binding on the
spinning saw blade while cutting. Also, make
sure there are no nails or foreign objects in the
l <;<AB@2A52@.DB;A69A52A./926@092.?<3
=6202 Small debris, loose pieces of wood or
other objects that contact the revolving blade
can be thrown with high speed at the operator.
l <;<A3221D<?8=62026;A<A52/9.12<?0BA
K3?225.;1L 6; .;F D.F *<?8=6202 :B@A /2
@A.A6<;.?F .;1 09.:=21 <? /?.021 /F F<B?
5.;1 Saw must be fed through the workpiece
smoothly and at a rate which will not overload
the saw’s motor.
l BA <;9F <;2 D<?8=6202 .A . A6:2 Multiple
workpieces cannot be adequately clamped or
braced and may bind on the blade or shift dur-
ing cutting.
l 2 02?A.6; A52 :6A2? @.D 6@ :<B;A21 <?
=9.021<;. 92C2936?: D<?8@B?3.02 /23<?2
B@6;4 A level and firm work surface reduces
the risk of the miter saw becoming unstable.
l $9.; F<B? D<?8 $?<C612 .12>B.A2 @B==<?A 
.002@@<?62@ @B05 .@ A./92@ @.D 5<?@2@
9<;42? A5.; A52 A./92 A<= @22 =.42 .
Workpieces longer or wider than the miter saw
table can tip if not securely supported. If the
cutoff piece or workpiece tips, it can lift the lower
guard or be thrown by the spinning blade.
l < ;<A B@2 .;<A52? =2?@<; .@ . @B/@A6ABA2
3<? . A./92 2EA2;@6<; <? .@ .116A6<;.9 @B=
=<?A Unstable support for the workpiece can
cause the blade to bind or the workpiece to shift
during the cutting operation, pulling you and the
helper into the spinning blade.
l '52 0BA<33 =6202 :B@A ;<A /2 7.::21
<? =?2@@B?21 /F .;F <A52? :2.;@
.4.6;@A A52@=6;;6;4 @.D /9.12 If confined,
i.e., using length stops, it could get wedged
against the blade and thrown violently.
l 9D.F@B@2.09.:=<?.36EAB?212@64;21A<
=?<=2?9F @B==<?A ?<B;1 :.A2?6.9 @B05 .@
1<D29?<1@<?AB/6;4Rods have a tendency
to roll while being cut, causing the blade to “bite”
and pull the work with your hand into the blade.
l *52; 0BAA6;4 6??24B9.?9F @5.=21 D<?8
A piece of molding, for example, must lie flat or
be held by a fixture or jig that will not let it twist,
rock or slip while being cut.
l 2A A52 /9.12 ?2.05 3B99 @=221 /23<?2 0<;
A.0A6;4 A52 D<?8=6202 This will help avoid
thrown workpieces.
l 3A52D<?8=6202 <?/9.12 /20<:2@7.::21
<? /<4421 1<D; AB?; :6A2? @.D K#L /F
?292.@6;4 @D6A05 *.6A 3<? .99 :<C6;4 =.?A@
A<3?22A527.::21:.A2?6.9Continued saw-
ing with jammed workpiece could cause loss of
control or damage to miter saw.
l ?.86;4 .0A6<; <3 A52 @.D 0.B@2@ A52 @.D
52.1 A< 72?8 1<D;D.?1 2 ?2.1F 3<? A56@
?2.0A6<; when making an incomplete cut or
when releasing the switch before the head is
completely in the DOWN position.
l 3A2? 36;6@56;4 A52 0BA ?292.@2 A52 @D6A05
@A<= /23<?2 ?2:<C6;4 D<?8 <? 0BA<33 =6202
3 /9.12 1<2@ ;<A @A<= D6A56; 36C2  @20
A6<;@ 6; A52 '?<B/92@5<<A6;4 @20A6<;
l '52?2 .?2 .116A6<;.9 @.32AF 6;@A?B0A6<;@
3<? =.?A60B9.? <=2?.A6<;@ <3 A52 @.D 6; A52
l '52 !& :6A2? @.D 5.@ .; 2EA?2:29F
@:<<A5 .0A6<; .;1 ?2>B6?2@ A52 <=2?.A<? A<
@.D <? @9612.0A6<; 0BAA6;4 36?@A 4?6= A52
:B@A 092.? A52 D<?8=6202 !.82 02?A.6; A52
09.:= 1<2@ ;<A 6;A2?32?2 D6A5 A52 4B.?1 .;1
52.1 .@@2:/9F &20<;1 AB?; @.D K#"L .;1
9<D2? A52 @.D A< A52 A./92 '52; $(& @.D
D.6A 3<? A52 /9.12 A< 0<:=92A29F @A<= /23<?2
?.6@6;4A5252.1.@@2:/9F.;1 ?2:<C6;4A52
D<?8=6202Never “pullcut,” since blade may climb
the workpiece, causing KICKBACK.
l <? 05<=.0A6<; 0BAA6;4 :<C2 A52 52.1
.@@2:/9F A< A52 ?2.? .@ 3.? .@ 6A D699 4< .;1
K#"L .;1 9<D2? A52 52.1 .@@2:/9F A< :.82
A52 0BA %292.@2 A52 @D6A05 .;1 D.6A 3<? A52
/9.12 A< 0<:=92A29F @A<= /23<?2 ?.6@6;4 A52
52.1 .@@2:/9F.;1?2:<C6;4A52D<?8=6202
Failure to lock the mechanism can cause the blade
to suddenly climb up on the top of the
workpiece and force itself toward you.
“READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS” Failure to follow the SAFETY RULES identified by
BULLET (l) symbol listed BELOW, and other safety precautions, may result in serious
personal injury.
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