The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 70
lun-queue-depth Global 30 1 128 No The driver uses this value as
the default limit for the number
of simultaneous commands to
issue to a single logical unit
on a single target on the loop.
A single logical unit will never
be sent more commands than
allowed by lun-queue-depth;
however, less may be sent
when sd-max-throttle or
tgt-queue-depth is reached for
the entire target.
msi-mode Controller
2 0 2 No This variable controls whether
LPFC uses MSI-based
interrupts or legacy interrupts.
If set to 2 (default), the driver
will try to use multiple
message MSI. If multiple
message MSI is not possible
due to an OS or hardware
limitation, then the driver will
attempt single message MSI.
If single message MSI fails,
then the driver will attempt
legacy interrupts. A value of 0
disables MSI and the driver
will use legacy interrupts.
network-on Controller
0 0 1 No This variable controls whether
LPFC provides IP networking
functionality over FC. This
variable is a Boolean: when
zero, IP networking is
disabled; when non-zero, IP
networking is enabled.
no-device-delay Global 1 0 30 Yes This variable (0 to 30
seconds) determines the
length of the interval between
deciding to fail an I/O because
there is no way to
communicate with its
particular device (e.g., due to
device failure or device
removal) and actually failing
the command. A value of zero
implies no delay whatsoever.
This delay is specified in
seconds. A minimum value of
1 (1 second) is recommended
when communicating with any
Tachyon based device.
Table 3: LPFC.conf Parameters (Continued)
Property Name Scope Default Min Max Dynamic Comments