C – Log Messages
C-18 SN0051103-00 A
106847 #%d: QLProcessResponseQueue: Invalid
EntryStatus %x, type %x
FC Error The FC controller reported an invalid Entry Status
%x, type %x.
106851 #%d: QLTimer: Heartbeat failed FC Error The FC controller failed to provide a heartbeat.
106853 #%d: QLTimer: Link error count (0x%x)
exceeded, link down
FC Error The driver has determined that the FC link is unreli-
able and unusable due to the number of errors
encountered. The link has been taken down.
106912 #%d: QLReserveLoopId: out of loop Ids FC Error The FC processor was unable to obtain the number
of loop IDs required. This failure occurs only when
the FC processor is running multi-ID firmware.
106928 #%d: QLMarkDeviceOffline: Device Id: %x
marked offline, cLinkDownTimeout = %x,
FC Error The driver was unable to re-establish connection to
the target within the timeout and retry counts, and is
therefore marking it offline.
106948 #%d: QLSnsGetAllNext: Name server login
FC Error The FC processor is unable to log into the FC fabric
name server.
107029 #%d: QLUpdateDeviceData: out of slots in
host database
FC Error The driver’s host (initiator) database is full.
107030 #%d: QLUpdateDeviceData: out of slots in
target database
FC Error The driver’s target database is full.
107041 #%d: QLUpdateDeviceDatabase 0x%x: GET_ID
failed %x
FC Error The driver’s host (initiator) database is full. Maximum
host database is 64.
107056 #%d: QLUpdateDeviceDatabase 0x%x: out of
slots in host database
FC Error The drivers host (initiator) database is full.
Table C-1. All iSR6250 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message