Command Syntax
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Symbol Meaning
POSITION<x> A cursor selector; <x> is either 1 or 2.
Commands can specify which measurement to set or query as a mnemonic in the
header. Up to four automated measurements may be displayed with each
displayed waveform. The displayed measurements are specified in this way:
Symbol Meaning
MEAS<x> A measurement specifier; <x> is either 1 [top], 2, 3, or
Commands specify the channel to use as a mnemonic in the header.
Symbol Meaning
CH<x> A channel specifier; <x> is either 1, 2, 3, or 4.
For the TDS 520C, 620B, 680B, and 724C, CH3 and CH4
represent the front-panel inputs labeled AUX 1 and AUX 2
Commands can specify the mathematical waveform to use as a mnemonic in the
Symbol Meaning
MATH<x> A math waveform specifier; <x> is 1, 2, or 3.
Commands can specify the reference waveform to use as a mnemonic in the
Symbol Meaning
REF<x> A reference waveform specifier; <x> is either 1, 2, 3, or 4.
In some commands, you can specify a waveform regardless of whether it is a
channel waveform, a math waveform, or a reference waveform. Specify such a
waveform as follows:
Measurement Specifier
Channel Mnemonics
Math Waveform
Reference Waveform
Waveform Mnemonics