TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Command Groups
This section lists TDS Family Oscilloscope commands in two ways. It first
presents them by functional groups. It then lists them alphabetically. The
functional group list starts below. The alphabetical list provides more detail on
each command and starts on page 2–47.
The TDS Family Oscilloscope GPIB interface conforms to Tektronix standard
codes and formats and IEEE Std 488.2–1987 except where noted.
Acquisition Commands
Acquisition commands affect waveform acquisition. These commands control
mode, averaging, enveloping, and single-waveform acquisition. (Persistence
controls are in the Display Commands section on page 2–16.) Table 2–4 lists
these commands.
Table 2–4: Acquisition Commands
Header Description
ACQuire? Return acquisition parameters
(TDS 500C, 600B & 700C)
Save waveforms to reference memory
ACQuire:MODe Acquisition mode
ACQuire:NUMACq? Return # of acquisitions obtained
ACQuire:NUMAVg Number of acquisitions for average
ACQuire:NUMEnv Number of acquisitions for envelope
(TDS 400A, 510A, 500C, & 700C)
Repetitive acquisition mode
ACQuire:STATE Start or stop acquisition system
ACQuire:STOPAfter Acquisition control