Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Table D–1: Factory Initialization Settings (Cont.)
Control Changed by Factory Init to
Saved waveforms No change
Stop after R/S button
Vertical bandwidth (all channels) Full
Vertical coupling (all channels) DC
Vertical impedance (termination) (all channels) 1 MW
Vertical offset (all channels) 0 V
Vertical position (all channels) 0 divs.
Vertical volts per division (all channels) 100 mV per division
Zoom dual TDS 400A, 500C, 600B, & 700C: Off
Zoom dual offset TDS 400A, 500C, 600B, & 700C: Minimum
Zoom, dual window, selected graticule TDS 400A, 500C, 600B, & 700C: Upper
Zoom graticule Upper
Zoom horizontal (all channels) TDS 510A: 1.0X
TDS 400A, 500C, 600B, 700C: 2.0X
Zoom horizontal lock All
Zoom horizontal position (all channels) 50% = 0.5 (the middle of the display)
Zoom mode Off
Zoom vertical (all channels) TDS 510A: 1.0X
TDS 400A, 500C, 600B, 700C: 2.0X
Zoom vertical position (all channels) 0 divisions