3 Controller
External I/O cable
(3) External I/O cable
■ Order type : ● 2D-CBL □□ Note) The numbers in the boxes □□ refer to the length. (05: 5m, 15: 15m)
■ Outline
This is the dedicated cable used to connect an external peripheral device to the con
nector on the parallel I/O interface. For parallel I/O unit is another option 2A-CBL.**.
One end matches the connector on the parallel input/output unit, and the other end is
free. Connect the peripheral device's input/output signal using the free end.
One cable correspond to the input 16 points and output 16 points.
Two cables are needed to connection of (input 32 points and output 32 points) with
built-in standard.
■ Configuration
Table 3-19 : Configuration device
■ Specifications
Table 3-20 : Specifications
■ Connector pin numbers and cable colors
Table 3-21 : Connector pin numbers and cable colors
Notes) Pin number of connector<1> are 1C, 2C, ....20C, 1D, 2D, ....20D, connector<2> are 1A, 2A, ....20A, 1B,
2B, ....20B.
Part name Type Qty.
Mass (kg)
Note1) Mass indicates one set.
External I/O cable 2D-CBL □□ 1 pc. 0.7(5m)
5m or 15m
Items Specifications
Number of cables x cable size AWG #28 x 20P (40 pairs)
Total length 5m, 15m
Pin no. Cable colors Pin no. Cable colors Pin no. Cable colors Pin no. Cable colors
1A/C Orange/Red a 11A/C Orange/Red c 1B/D Orange/Black a 11B/D Orange/Black c
2A/C Gray/Red a 12A/C Gray/Red c 2B/D Gray/Black a 12B/D Gray/Black c
3A/C White/Red a 13A/C White/Red c 3B/D White/Black a 13B/D White/Black c
4A/C Yellow/Red a 14A/C Yellow/Red c 4B/D Yellow/Black a 14B/D Yellow/Black c
5A/C Pink/Red a 15A/C Pink/Red c 5B/D Pink/Black a 15B/D Pink/Black c
6A/C Orange/Red b 16A/C Orange/Red d 6B/D Orange/Black b 16B/D Orange/Black d
7A/C Gray/Red b 17A/C Gray/Red d 7B/D Gray/Black b 17B/D Gray/Black d
8A/C White/Red b 18A/C White/Red d 8B/D White/Black b 18B/D White/Black d
9A/C Yellow/Red b 19A/C Yellow/Red d 9B/D Yellow/Black b 19B/D Yellow/Black d
10A/C Pink/Red b 20A/C Pink/Red d 10B/D Pink/Black b 20B/D Pink/Black d