Section 3: Configuring a Wafer ID Application In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
3.4.14 Size
Size defines the expected height and width of a 2D symbol or the characters in a string,
as measured in pixels.
■ When a BC 412 or IBM 412 barcode is the selected Mark type, Size is disabled.
■ The Zoom function can be especially useful when positioning the Size region.
To set the mark size:
1 Click the Edit Size button. The image will automatically expand.
2 To adjust the Size, position the
cursor inside the size box, then click and hold the
left mouse button while dragging. To resize the box, position the cursor over an edge
or corner of the box, then click and hold the left mouse button while dragging.
TIP To move the size box one pixel at a time, use the arrow keys on the keyboard; to resize box
one pixel at a time, use shift-arrow keys.
If ‘Chars, SEMI’, ‘Chars, IBM’ or ‘Chars, Triple’ is the selected Mark, Size defines
the height and width expected for each character in the string. To set the size for
characters, position the Size box around a character so that its edges align with
the centers of the strokes, as shown in Figure 3-6. “Square” characters with
horizontal and vertical strokes — such as 0, 3, and Φ — are the best to use when
setting the size, though any character can be used.
Figure 3-6: Editing Character Size
If ‘2D, Sym T7 Data Matrix’ is the selected Mark, Size defines the height and
width expected for the entire 2D symbol. To set the size for 2D symbols, position
the Size box so that it aligns with the centers of the corner cells of the matrix, as
shown in Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7: Editing 2D Data Matrix Size (Shown at 200% Zoom)
To finish editing the box and accept the changes, double left-click anywhere in the image,
or click the Save Size button.