Section 7: Native Mode Commands In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
EV GetConfig Settings information for the specified Config.
EV GetConfigAccept
EV SetConfigAccept
The threshold Accept setting for a Config.
EV GetConfigAvgScore The average raw response score of all reads that passed for a Config.
EV GetConfigCharHigh
EV GetConfigCharWide
EV SetConfigCharSize
The settings information for the Size setting.
EV GetConfigChecksum
EV SetConfigChecksum
The index of the Checksum selection for a Config.
EV GetConfigColor
EV SetConfigColor
The index of the Color selection for a Config.
EV GetConfigEnable
EV SetConfigEnable
The status of the Enabled checkbox for a Config.
EV GetConfigFieldDef
EV SetConfigFieldDef
The contents of the Field Definition setting for a Config.
EV GetConfigFieldString
EV SetConfigFieldString
The contents of the Field String setting for a Config.
EV GetConfigHigh
EV GetConfigWide
The Size settings for a Config.
EV GetConfigLightMode
EV SetConfigLightMode
The index of the Light Mode selection for a Config.
EV GetConfigLightPower
EV SetConfigLightPower
The Light Power selection for a Config.
EV GetConfigMark
EV SetConfigMark
The index of the Mark selection for a Config.
EV GetConfigNumFailed The number of failed reads for a Config.
EV GetConfigNumPassed The number of passed reads for a Config.
EV GetConfigNumTuneFailed The number of failed reads during a tune for a Config.
EV GetConfigNumTunePassed The number of passed reads during a tune for a Config.
EV GetConfigOrcChar The ASCII value of the indexed character in a read string.
EV GetConfigOrcCol The column coordinate of the indexed character in a read string.
EV GetConfigOrcRow The row coordinate of the indexed character in a read string.
EV GetConfigOrcVal The raw response score of the indexed character in a read string.
EV GetConfigOrientation The index of the Img Orientation setting for the specified Config.
EV GetConfigPassed The pass/fail status of the specified Config for the most recent read.
EV GetConfigRegionRow
EV GetConfigRegionCol
EV GetConfigRegionHigh
EV GetConfigRegionWide
EV SetConfigRegion
The settings information for the Region setting.
EV GetConfigResult The results of the most recent read performed by the specified Config.
EV GetConfigRetry
EV SetConfigRetry
The index of the Retry setting for the specified Config.
EV GetConfigScore The score for a Config during the most recent read.
EV GetConfigString The character results for a Config during the most recent read.
EV GetConfigStringLen The number of characters contained in the result string.
EV GetConfigTheta The orientation of the mark for a Config.
EV GetConfigTryLog The Retry status of the Config during the last read.
EV GetConfigTuneLog The Retry and Tune status of the Config during the last read.
EV GetMSBuffer
The Machine Status data stored in one of 8 indexed buffers within the MachineStatus
stack. If the index is 0, the current Machine Status is returned.