Section 3: Configuring a Wafer ID Application In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
Read Order Specifies the order in which enabled Configs will be tried until a successful
read is obtained.
Last Best
Configs will be tried in the order they scored (from highest to lowest) during the last read until a
passed score is read.
In Order
Configs will be tried in numerical order (0-9), regardless of how they scored during the most recent
Disable Acquire
Disables image acquisition to allow a test read from the last image acquired, or from an
image file, when the reader is offline. The Light Mode and Light Power settings are
disabled, as are the Acquire and Live buttons.
To read from an image file:
1 Check the Disable Acquire checkbox.
2 Load a valid .BMP or .JPG image file (640 x 480, 8-bit) using one the following
With the In-Sight PC Host open, drag and drop an image file onto the
spreadsheet. Or, open the Save & Load dialog (System#Save & Load) and
select an image from a different In-Sight host on the network.
Open an FTP connection to the reader (for instructions see Appendix B:
Updating the Reader). Drag and drop the image file into the FTP window of the
web browser, or use the mput command from an FTP prompt.
NOTE You do not need to rename the image file before loading it on the 1700. The reader will
automatically copy the .BMP or .JPG file to the built-in file names, IMAGE.BMP or
IMAGE.JPG, respectively.
3 Click the Read button on either the Setup or Run tab to read from the image file.
4 Repeat step 2 to read from a different image file, or uncheck Disable Acquire in the
Options tab to return the reader to normal operation.