Section 3: Configuring a Wafer ID Application In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
An example of the outputs using the In-Sight protocol commands from Microsoft
Windows' built-in Telnet client are shown in Figure 3-12.
Figure 3-12: In-Sight Protocol Output Example
EG (Electroglas) Protocol
Protocol (TCP/IP or RS232) for use with an Electroglas, Inc. wafer prober. If used with
TCP/IP, a valid Port number must be specified. When using an RS232 serial device, the
settings in the Serial tab (see Section 6.4 Configuring Serial Port Settings) should be
configured as follows:
! Baud Rate = 1200
! Data Bits = 8
! Stop Bits = 1
! Parity = None
! Handshake = Xon/Xoff
! Mode = Text
Also, the Text Mode settings in the Text Mode Details dialog (shown in Figure 3-11)
should be configured as follows:
! Fixed Input Length = 6
! Input Terminator = 13
! Output Terminator = 13
When using the EG protocol, a Read can only be done on all enabled Configs using the
READ(-1) command. This command also uses the Read Order selected in the Options
When EG is the selected Protocol, the Output String will be either a character string for a
successful read or a string of asterisks for a failed read. When using the EG Protocol,
partial reads are not returned, since any return other than a strings of asterisks will be
interpreted by the wafer prober as a successful read. The number of asterisks returned
will be the same as the number of characters specified in the Field String (see Section
3.4.6: Field String and Field Definition).