Section 5: Running the Job In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
The following sections describe the information displayed in the Run tab.
5.1.1 Online Checkbox
The Online checkbox at the top-right of the Run tab switches the reader between its
Online and offline modes of operation. When this checkbox is enabled (the default
setting), the reader is “online”. The File, Setup, and Options tabs are grayed out, and the
following operations are supported:
Output read results data to the log file specified in the Options tab.
Output read results over the serial port when Serial is the selected Output
Destination in the Options tab.
Respond to the protocol’s READ and TUNE commands.
Respond to the camera, network, and serial acquisition Trigger selected in the
Options tab.
Send/receive data to and from the spreadsheet over the network or serial port
using the Input/Output functions.
NOTE If the Online checkbox is enabled from the browser and a System Offline dialog appears, open the
PC Host and verify that the PC Host’s status bar indicates the reader is online, then click OK to
close the dialog.
When the Online checkbox is disabled, the reader is “offline”, and the operations listed
above are not possible. However, the following actions are allowed:
Edit settings in the Setup and Options tabs.
Save & open jobs in the File tab.
Manually acquire an image and read the wafer mark using the Read button.
Clear all read results using the Reset Stats button.
Execute Native Mode commands over telnet.
The reader’s Online state is a combination of three independent flags:
Spreadsheet flag – Set directly from the System menu’s Online checkbox in the
In-Sight spreadsheet. This flag can also be controlled by the Online checkbox in
the Startup tab (see Section 6.6). For the browser-based user interface to run
properly, this flag should be enabled.
Native Mode flag – Set from the Online checkbox in the Run tab or from the Set
Online Native Mode command (see Section 7.1.3).
Discrete I/O flag – Not used by the reader; enabled by default.
The reader is Online only when all three flags are enabled.