Chapter 4 247
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.8 System
Displays the System menu keys to control overall System functions. This is also the GPIB
“LOCAL” key. Pressing
System after the analyzer has been placed in the remote GPIB mode
returns it to the local mode and enables front-panel control. During GPIB operation, “R”
appears in the upper-right corner of the display indicating the instrument is in Remote
mode. A “T”, “L,” or “S” may appear during remote operation, indicating Talk, Listen, or
Service request. Pressing the
System (Local) key removes the R symbol in the upper-right
Key Path: Front-panel key
Remote Command:
There is no remote command for this key.
4.8.1 Show Errors
Accesses a display of the last 30 (?) errors reported. The most recent error will appear at
the top of the list. The first error listed will be the first error removed if the error list is
longer than 30 entries. If the same error message occurs several times the error message
will be incremented rather than added to the list as a new error message. If there is more
than one of the same type of error, the date and time identify the first time and the last
time an error occurred and the number of identical errors is shown.
NOTE A continuous recurring error reappears in the queue even if it had been
Key Path:
Annotation: Textual Information Screen
Couplings: Removes any active functions.
Saved State: Not saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Off
Symbol Description
S Service Request