64 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Remote Command Notes: [:SENSe]:CORRection:CSET:ALL[:STATe] must be set to on
for this command to function.
CSET number equivalents to front-panel access definitions are as follows:
CSET or CSET1 is Antenna
CSET2 is Cable
CSET3 is Other
CSET4 is User
• <freq> is the frequency (in Hz) where the correction should be applied;
no unit is allowed in this parameter
• <rel_ampl> is the amount of relative amplitude correction (in dB)
needed; no unit is allowed in this parameter
Example: :CORR:CSET2:DATA 900E6,0.3,1.0E9,0.35,1.3E9,0.2 Point
Allows you to create or edit an amplitude-correction factor data point. Up to 200 points may be
defined for each set. Enter the point number to be created or edited by using the numeric keypad,
then press
Enter, or use the knob or step keys to move to an existing point. After selecting a point,
Frequency becomes active.
Key Path: AMPLITUDE / Y Scale, More, Corrections, Antenna (Cable, Other,orUser), Edit
State Saved: Not part of instrument state, saved in a corrections file.
Remote Command:
See “Edit” on page 62 Frequency
Allows you to enter the frequency value for an amplitude-correction point. Enter the frequency
value by using the numeric keypad. Change the frequency value by using the step keys or the knob.
After entering a frequency,
Amplitude becomes active.
A frequency coordinate must always be specified for amplitude-correction factors. Amplitude-correction data is
sorted in the table by frequency. The sorting occurs immediately after you have entered the frequency value via
the front-panel.
NOTE The amplitude correction entered for the lowest frequency will be applied to all frequencies less
frequency entered will be applied to all frequencies greater than the highest frequency entered.
Key Path: AMPLITUDE / Y Scale
, More, Corrections, Antenna (Cable, Other,orUser), Edit
State Saved: Not part of instrument state, saved in a corrections file.
Remote Command:
See “Edit” on page 62