Chapter 5 333
One-Button Measurement Functions
Mode Setup (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
One-Button Measurement Functions
5.3 Mode Setup (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
Enables you to change measurement settings common to all measurements in the
MEASURE menu. In Spectrum Analysis mode, there are several built-in power
measurements. Parameters that you set in the Mode Setup menu affect all of these
Key Path: Front-panel key
5.3.1 Radio Std
Accesses the radio standards key menu to enable you to select a radio standard. Selecting a
radio standard modifies spectrum analyzer settings for the measurement activated under
the MEASURE menu.
NOTE Measurements that are not relevant to the selected radio standard are not
supported, and the message Measurement does not support the current
radio standard. will be displayed when such a combination is encountered.
Key Path:
Mode Setup
Factory Preset: None
History: Updated with PSA firmware revision A.04.00
Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:RADio:STANdard[:SELect]? None
Selects no radio standard. If
Radio Std, None is selected when a measurement is running, all
measurement parameters are returned to their default values. Analyzer parameters
outside the MEASURE or Meas Setup key menus are not affected.
Key Type: 1 of N menu
Key Path:
Mode Setup, Radio Std
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00