526 Chapter6
Programming Fundamentals
Using the LAN to Control the Instrument
Programming Fundamentals
This table lists the available user commands.
Table 6-2 ftp Commands
Command Description
ascii Sets the file transfer type to ASCII.
binary Sets the file transfer type to binary.
bye Closes the connection to the host and exits ftp.
cd remote_directory Sets the working directory on the host to remote_directory.
delete remote_file Deletes remote_file or empty remote_directory.
Lists the contents of the specified remote_directory. If
remote_directory is unspecified, the contents of the current
remote directory are listed.
get remote_file
Copies remote_file to local_file.Iflocal_file is unspecified,
ftp uses the remote_file name as the local_file name.
help Provides a list of ftp commands.
help command Provides a brief description of command.
image Sets the file transfer type to binary.
lcd [local_directory] Sets the local working directory to local_directory.
Lists the contents of the specified remote_directory. If the
remote_directory is unspecified, the contents of the current
remote directory are listed.
mget remote_file
Copy remote_file to the local system. If local_file is
unspecified, ftp uses the remote_file name as the local_file
mput local_file
Copies local_file to remote file. If remote_file is unspecified,
ftp uses the local_file name as the remote_file name.
put local_file
Copies local_file to remote file.Ifremote_file is unspecified,
ftp uses the local_file name as the remote_file name.
quit Closes the connection to the host and exits ftp.