568 Chapter8
Using the STATus System
Common IEEE Commands
Using the STATus System
This command triggers the instrument. Use the
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce command to select the trigger source.
If you have selected a one-button measurement and it has been paused
(INITiate:PAUSe), or the CONFigure:<meas> command was used. The
command causes the system to exit this “waiting” state and go to the
“initiated” state. The trigger system is initiated and completes one full
trigger cycle. It returns to the “waiting” state on completion of the
trigger cycle. See the
MEASURE key for more information about
controlling the measurement process.
The instrument must be in the single measurement mode. If
INIT:CONT ON, then the command is ignored. Depending upon the
measurement and the number of averages, there may be multiple data
acquisitions, with multiple trigger events, for one full trigger cycle.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Remarks: See also the :INITiate:IMMediate command
Front Panel
Self Test Query
For PSA analyzers, NO tests are performed. *TST? always returns 0.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
This command causes the instrument to wait until all pending
commands/processes are completed before executing any additional
commands. There is no query form for the command.
The instrument does not wait for completion of all processes. The
processes that are monitored are identified in the *OPC? command
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.