6 Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual • October 2001
Board States for CPU/Memory Boards
and I/O Assemblies
TABLE 2-3 lists the board states for the CPU/Memory boards and I/O assemblies. To
determine the board state, use the showboards command and look under the
State header.
The System Controller board, ID board, power supplies, and Repeater boards do not
have a State. A dash is displayed In the Board Status field for these boards and
components (see
TABLE 2-4). Fan trays have a state of off, low speed, and high speed.
Board Test Status
TABLE 2-4 describes the Status field of the showboards command.
TABLE 2-3 Board States
Board States Description
Available The board is not assigned to any domain.
Assigned The board belongs to a domain, but the hardware has not been
configured or it is not in use.
Active The board is being actively used by the domain to which it has been
assigned. You cannot reassign an active board.
TABLE 2-4 Status Field of the showboards Command
Test Status Description
Passed All board components passed testing.
Failed The board failed testing and is not usable. This could also indicate
corrupt or incompatible firmware.
OK The component is functioning properly.
Under Test The domain is running POST (power-on self-test); testing has been
initiated using the setkeyswitch command, the testboard
command, or an SNMP operation.