DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
978Trunk Group
Use this field to adjust the signaling on multi-country CO trunk circuit packs.
Entries in this field adjust signaling characteristics on these circuit packs to match
the signaling characteristics of the public network in a specific country. The field
appears only for CO, FX, and WATS trunk groups when the Country field is
5, 16,
If the Country field is 15, DEFINITY ECS is administered for
Public Network Call Priority (Intrusion and Rering). Also, the
Protocol Type field appears for Group Type DID or DIOD.
If the Country field is 18, DEFINITY ECS can be administered
for Public Network Call Priority (Mode of Release Control,
Forced Disconnect, and Rering).
If the Country field is 23 and the Group Type field is either CO
or DID, DEFINITY ECS is administered for Block Collect
Valid entries Usage
If the Country field is 5, the Version field only controls TN2147 ports.
a Enter a to use standard signaling for the Netherlands public
Enter b to use country 1 (U.S.) signaling. The value b is
appropriate if your switch is connected to a central office using
an Ericcson AXE-10 switch.
If the Country field is
16 or 23, the Version field sets the input impedance value
and only controls TN465C (vintage 2 or later) ports.
a Enter a to set input impedance to 600 Ohms.
Enter b to set input impedance to 900 Ohms. The value b is
appropriate in Brazil.
Valid entries Usage