DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Introduction to the DEFINITY system
31Receiving notification in an emergency
Receiving notification in an
If one of your users calls an emergency service such as the police or ambulance,
someone, perhaps the receptionist, security or the front desk, needs to know who
made the call. Thus, when the emergency personnel arrive, they can be directed to
the right place.
You can set up the switch to alert the attendant and up to ten other extensions
whenever an end-user dials an emergency number. The display on the notified
user’s phone shows the name and number of the person who placed the emergency
call. The phones also ring with a siren-type alarm, which users must acknowledge
to cancel.
Before you start
Decide if you want one user to be able to acknowledge an alert, or if all users must
respond before an alert is cancelled.
Verify that ARS is enabled on the System Parameters Customer-Options
Make sure that the phones you want to notify are digital and have a display. Refer
to ‘‘
Phone reference’’ on page 1065 for a list of phone types.
In this example, we will set up the system to notify the attendant and the security
guards at all 3 entrances when someone dials the emergency number 5555. All
three guards must acknowledge the alert before it is silent.
1. Type
change ars analysis 5 and press RETURN.
The AAR and ARS Digit Analysis Table