
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Managing multimedia calling
212Multimedia Applications Server Interface
Appl. Specifies the application this administered NCA-TSC is going to
be used for. Enter masi.
Machine ID Used to indicate the MASI node to which this administered
NCA-TSC is connected. This number should be the same as the MASI
node number found on other forms.
How to list TSCs or determine status of the TSC
To determine which TSCs are designated for MASI, use the
list masi tsc
Screen 3. MASI Temporary Signaling Connections (TSC) Display
This command displays the following:
Sig Grp — The number of the signaling group to which this TSC belongs
Primary D-Channel — Port location of the Primary D-channel
TSC Index — The number of the MASI TSC within the signaling group
Local Ext. — DEFINITY extension associated with the TSC
Enabled — Indicates the state of the connection - enabled (y/n)
Established — Value of established flag (as-needed/permanent)
Dest. Digits — The MMCX extension that indicates the TSC destination
Mach. ID — MASI node number
Once you establish and enable the signaling group, you need to verify that it is
active. Use the command
status signaling-group signaling-group# or status
signaling-group# [/tsc-index] [print] to determine if the link
is active.
Sig. Primary TSC Local Mach.
Grp D-Chan Index Ext. Enabled Established Dest. Digits ID
xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx x xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx x xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx x xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx