DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
commands, 1062
screen, 951
tenant partitioning, 29, 1536
terminal and trunk restrictions, 1306
Terminal Parameters
, 1062
screen, 954
Terminal Self Administration (TSA)
assigning a security code
, 87
description, 87
fixing problems, 89
Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI), 47, 1547
Terminating Extension Group (TEG)
, 170
commands, 1063
description, 1551
screen, 959
termination restrictions
see also Restriction—Controlled
Tie trunks
, 348, 1567
time button, 67
time division multiplexing (TDM), 1433
Time of Day Coverage, 1209
commands, 1063
defining, 124
screen, 962
Time of Day Routing
commands, 1063
description, 1553
screen, 963
time, setting, 9
, 161
timer button, 77
timers, attendant, 1149
TOD routing override button, 65, 72
Toll Analysis
, 1064
screen, 964
toll fraud, 305, 1267, 1578
15 tips to prevent, 306
potential, 1386
prevention, 1140
Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline, 305
toll restrictions, see Restriction—Controlled
call progress
, 1211, 1601
call waiting, 1601
conference, 1485
priority call waiting, 1294
reset shift dial tone, 1471
special ringing, 1294
warning, 1485
total restrictions, see Restriction—Controlled
tracing calls, see Malicious Call Trace (MCT)
tracking calls by account codes
, 443
trademarks, xxi
Transfer, 1554
Transfer Upon Hang-up, 1555
transit network selections, 1299
copy protection
, 13
restoring, see your maintenance book
saving, 13
transmission and supervisory signaling for
trunks and trunk groups
, 1569
Traveling Class Marks (TCM)
call-originating facilities
, 1338
call-terminating facilities, 1339
description, 1338
ISDN, 1405
security measures, 1578
trunk answer from any station (TAAS), 139
trunk flash, 69, 1562
Trunk Group
adding trunks, 355
commands, 1064
malfunctions, 1162
night service, setting up, 144
removing trunk groups, 358
removing trunks, 357
screen, 967
test calls, 1189
Trunk Group Administration
Call by Call (CBC) Service Selection, 1295
DS1 Trunk Service, 1317
Facility and Nonfacility Associated Signaling
(FAS and NFAS), 1331
Wideband Switching, 1587
trunk group night service button, 77
trunk ID button, 77
Trunk to Trunk Transfer, 1560
trunking facilities, 1171
security alert
, 339
turnarounds, 1557
trunks and trunk groups, 1064, 1564
transmission and supervisory
, 1569
TTI, see Terminal Translation Initialization
uniform call distribution (UCD)
busy verification
, 1191
test calls, 1189
Uniform Dial Plan
screen, see DEFINITY ECS Administration for
Network Connectivity
Uniform Dial Plan (UDP)
assigning shortcut dialing
, 199
United Kingdom trunk flash, 1562
universal digital signaling level 1 circuit pack,
wideband switching
, 424
unlock functions, 1574
upgrading phones, 44