DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Handling incoming calls
159Managing vectors and VDNs
To write a vector:
1. Type
change vector 1 and press RETURN.
The Call Vector
screen appears.
The vector Number field on the left side of the screen is filled in
2. In the Name field, type a description for the vector.
In our example, type
main number calls.
The information in the heading of the Call Vector screen is display
only. Use
display system-parameters customer-options
to see the
features that are turned on in your switch.
3. Type your vector steps in the numbered column on the left of the screen.
When you type in your vector steps, the switch automatically
completes some of the vector step information for you. For example, if
you type “q” in a vector step field, the switch fills in “queue-to.”
Also, additional fields appear when you complete a field and press
TAB. This makes it very easy to type in your vector steps.
Now that vector 1 is set up, let’s add a vector step to it to tell the switch how to
handle the calls to our main number.
Number: 1 Name: main number calls ______ Multimedia? n Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? n G3V4 Enhanced? n ANI/II-Digits? n ASAI Routing? n
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? n CINFO? n BSR? n
01 ____________
02 ____________
03 ____________
04 ____________
05 ____________
06 ____________
07 ____________
08 ____________
09 ____________
10 ____________
11 ____________