DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
software defined networks (SDN), see DEFINITY
ECS Administration for Network Connectivity
Administrable Language Displays
, 1138
Leave Word Calling (LWC), 1408
MF Espana (MFE), 1439
Multi Frequency Espana (MFE), 1166
phone displays, 1499
speakerphone paging, 381
special characters, 393
special dial tone, 36
special information tones (SIT), see DEFINITY
ECS Guide to ACD Call Centers
speed dialing, see Abbreviated Dialing (AD)
, 1191, 1373
stand-alone H.323 application, 1120
start-dial signals, 1570
, 1061
screen, 882
station hunting, 1491, 1493
station security codes
creating, 290
description, 1498
violation, 77
station to station restrictions, see Restriction—
station, adding
, 37
stored number button, 77
stroke buttons, 77
subsequent call coverage redirection
interval, 1203
Suite Check-in, 1367
superuser, 6
supervisor button, 61
swapping phones, 45
switch communication interface (SCI) links, 1212
Synchronization Plan
screen, see DEFINITY ECS Administration for
Network Connectivity
system administration
logging in
, 1
logging in remotely, 2
logging off, 4
passwords, 1578
system number lists, 1130
System Parameters Call Coverage / Call For-
, 1061
screen, 911
System Parameters Country-Options
commands, 1061
screen, 918
System Parameters Crisis Alert
commands, 1061
screen, 555
System Parameters Customer-Options
commands, 1062
screen, 928
System Parameters OCM Call Classification
screen, 948
system parameters, changing, 25
system port data module, 405
system printer alarm button, 75
system printer, see DEFINITY ECS Reports
system security
, 306
aging login passwords, 317
authorization codes, 1153
BCS Products Security Handbook, 1132
changing login permissions, 324
changing passwords, 326
checklist, 309
disabling a login ID, 334
disabling Remote Access, 298, 335
enabling Remote Access, 334
enhanced call transfers (ECT), 306
History report, 306
logins, 307
passwords, 306
physical security, 306, 309
securing trunks, 306
Security Violations Notification (SVN), 306,
setting up authorization codes, 331
system administration passwords, 1578
Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI), 1549
unauthorized use, 1578
system-wide settings, 25
T.120 calls, 231
recommended settings for DS1 trunks
, 353
TAC, see trunk access codes
TCM, see Traveling Class Marks (TCM)
Technical Service Center
, 305
TEG button, 77
telecommuter application, 52, 54, 1120
telecommuting, 1458
Answer Supervision, 286
Coverage of Calls Redirected Off Net
, 285
Personal Station Access, 286
Telecommuting Access
, 1062
screen, 951
telephone dialing
data call preindication
, 396
DCP data modules, 396
one-button transfer to data, 396
return-to-voice, 396
TELESEER, 1228, 1230
templates, using to add phones, 41
temporary bridged appearance, 1534